Pastor Joseph Pjecha
Joseph and his wife Marnie came to Faith Alliance in October of 2014 after serving in several churches in Pennsylvania. Both Joseph and Marnie came to faith in Christ in their teenage years, and married after college. Joseph studied Pastoral Ministry and Bible at Fort Wayne Bible College in Indiana., while Marnie majored in Elementary Education at Edinboro University. Joseph explains, “It was during my college years that my love for God and His Word grew stronger. To this day I find the greatest joy in sharing the Bible through preaching, teaching, or talking with others about what can be learned from God in His Word. God loves us, demonstrated in the salvation He accomplished through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Together with my fellow believers, I strive to grow in God’s grace and share this ‘Good News’ concerning Jesus with others. I consider it a great privilege to serve as pastor of Faith Alliance Church. “
In case you may be wondering, Joseph and Marnie have three children: Susanna, Jonathan, and Nathanael. In his spare time, Joseph enjoys reading, cooking, eating, and sharing family time together. Their dog’s name is Teddy, and they live just minutes from the church.
Tammy Lackey
Tammy has been FAC’s Administrative Assistant for 23 of the last 29 years, giving up the post for about 6 years when her children were young. She has attended FAC since she was 16, and loves serving her church family. Her favorite things about FAC are the solid biblical teaching, friendly atmosphere, and passion for missions. When she’s not in the office, you might catch her teaching a ladies’ Sunday school class, participating in the music ministries as a vocalist, or helping out with FAC’s Vietnamese Faith Alliance (VFA) Vietnamese and ESL classes. Tammy and her husband, Mark, have 2 children: Chloe & her husband Duy reside and teach ESL in Vietnam; and Isaiah who majors in cross-cultural studies at Toccoa Falls College.
Her favorite verse (right now, anyway!) is Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (ESV)
Sharon Gibson
Sharon Gibson. Sharon has worked with the music/worship ministries of Faith Alliance since before 2000, using her training from Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, Illinois). She and her husband, Peery, both native Roanokers, got married in 1981, and are the parents of two adult children: Jonathan, a successful salesman in Michigan; and Allison, wife of Chad, mom to Chandler and Camden, and 2nd-grade teacher.
Besides leading music, Sharon also finds time to sell Real Estate, babysit her two adorable grandbabies, and help her aging mother.
Her philosophy of music ministry harkens back to Scripture: “The children of Israel formed one of the first choirs as they sang the Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-18). I am privileged to have the same opportunity to serve with others as we proclaim through music our God as ‘majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, and working wonders’. Musical styles and tastes may change, but God demands and deserves our highest praise, as He alone is worthy. Through the gift of music we join together, young and old, in one unified voice proclaiming the message of God’s love and salvation. Just imagine doing that throughout eternity! “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:6)